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There are several ways to donate to Sea la Luz. You can become a monthly or one-time sponsor by donating below. Additionally, you can donate via Venmo @sealaluz or Paypal. Thank you for being so generous!

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One Time Donation

Become a Monthly Donor

  • Elementary School Scholarship-2 students

    Every month
    Ten dollars a month will support 2 students, K-6!
    Valid for 12 months
    • Ten dollars a month will support a student K-6!
  • Ongoing Medical Care: Kevin

    Every month
    Donate funds for Kevin's care for paralysis.
    • Victoria's High School Scholarship

      Every month
      It costs about $100/month to cover the school fees, transportation, and materials for a student.
      • Madai's University Scholarship

        Every month
        Madai has been in the program for two years. She is studying law and is an amazing student!
        • Melkisadeck's University Scholarship

          Every month
          Melkisadek is in his second year in our program. He is studying laboratory sciences.
          • Elementary School Scholarship-2 students

            Every month
            It costs just $10/month to send 2 elementary students to school!
            • Erick's High School Scholarship

              Every month
              Erick is in his first year in our program. He is a responsible, positive student!
              • Katy's High School Scholarship

                Every month
                Katy is in her first year in the program, studying pre-nursing.
                • Urgent Healthcare Need

                  Every month
                  Contribute monthly to help us meet urgent health care needs in the Honduras and Nicaragua.
                  • Your donation allows us to say "yes" to emergency needs .
                • 2024 New Scholars Fund

                  Every month
                  This fund allows us to accept new scholars in 2024
                  • Elementary School Scholarship

                    Every month
                    $5/month allows us to send one elementary school student to school for a year!
                    • General Fund

                      Every month
                      Contribute to our general fund to help healthcare, scholarships, and operations.

                      Donate Today

                      Make a one-time donation to bring healthcare and education to those in need.


                      Thank you for your donation!

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